Eloqua To HubSpot Migration Makes Unparalleled 447.4% Click-Through Rates Surge

Discover how Vonazon partnered with PerkinElmer to lead their transition in a 3-month engagement in line with the divesture timeline, ensuring a seamless transition to HubSpot within the short timeframe.

Our Client

PerkinElmer is a leading, global provider of technology and service solutions that help customers measure, quantify, detect, and report in ways that help ensure the quality, safety, and satisfaction of their products.

The Problem

PerkinElmer, a global leader in scientific solutions, found itself at a critical juncture after the company divested the applied, food, and enterprise services businesses to a private equity firm. The divesture included standalone utilization of the Eloqua platform by the new company and a need for PerkinElmer to migrate its marketing data and assets to a new marketing platform. HubSpot was the all-in-one platform of choice due to its ease of use and scalability.

Before engaging Vonazon, PerkinElmer struggled to disentangle shared workflows and assets promptly, while minimizing disruptions to ongoing business operations. Plus, the process of divesture presented multiple challenges around brand consistency, data segmentation, lead capture forms, technology integration/disintegration, and timely communication.

Vonazon partnered with PerkinElmer to lead their transition in a 3-month engagement in line with the divesture timeline, ensuring a seamless transition to HubSpot within the short timeframe.

The Process of Company Divesture Presented Several Challenges:

  • Needed to untangle shared workflows
  • Limit disruption to business operations
  • Tech integration/disintegration, data segmentation
  • Timely communication

Our Solution

Our team collaborated with PerkinElmer to address not only the technical intricacies of transitioning from Eloqua to HubSpot but also the critical need to disentangle previously shared resources in a way that aligned with PerkinElmer’s business continuity goals. Our team leveraged several digital tactics to support PerkinElmer. The migration strategy primarily revolved around the creation of lead capture forms, landing pages, custom-designed email templates, and email workflows using the inbound methodology to generate MQLs, SQLs, and ultimately, sales. Those tactics are as follows:

  1. Direct customer interests to the correct product segments and solutions: The initial phase created seamless entry points to products and services on the PerkinElmer site that was shared with the divested company. Our agency oversaw the setup and style of HubSpot forms on the external site setup using API and embed codes, along with lead capture monitoring and optimization. We accurately recreated forms in four different language audiences, with distinct GDPR requirements, indistinguishable from the original Eloqua forms ensuring continuity in the user experience during the transition period.
  2. Educate and excite the audience with newly branded Landing Pages: The new landing pages encouraged visitors to fill out forms who would later be nurtured into leads. We collaborated with the PerkinElmer team on the content approach, created the design and UI/UX, and architected the result with HubSpot’s landing page tool.
  3. Capture lead data via HubSpot forms to continue the conversation: The new HubSpot forms utilized progressive profiling, captured the names and contact details of interested prospects, utilizing tracking codes that further segmented into HubSpot lists by their selected product of interest and country of origin. In total 17,000 records were updated in Google Tag Manager to overcome the unique complexity of the shared website with the divested company.
  4. Create an adaptable data migration plan and frictionless ‘marketing handoff’ experience between a non-native CRM and HubSpot: Initially, Vonazon would have seamlessly synced data between HubSpot and Salesforce utilizing HubSpot’s native Salesforce integration. Divesture complications required adaptable solutions and alternative integrations. Vonazon used HubSpot automation to streamline a complex sales process with otherwise limited sync capabilities and recommended alternative HubSpot integrations to facilitate the process.
  5. Nurture MQLs through the journey with HubSpot email workflows: We created email custom-designed templates, and workflow series branched for multi-purpose usage. The contacts were segmented, and appropriate lists were made to maintain engagement through the migration from Eloqua to HubSpot.


Records updated in Google Tag Manager


Migration process that was streamlined to accommodate a complex sales process

Zero Loss

In engagement throughout
the migration from Eloqua
to HubSpot


Foundational Framework

Data synchronization was successfully established. Visually delightful and easy-to-use templates were created to improve collaboration between multiple marketing teams and with scalable options. Continual collaboration with PerkinElmer and the divesting company allowed PerkinElmer to focus on core initiatives and future vision for the company.

Game-Changing Momentum

In the subsequent phase of the migration, the impact of transitioning from Eloqua to HubSpot became strikingly evident in our client’s marketing performance. Notably, the Click-through Rates (CTR) witnessed an extraordinary surge, skyrocketing by an impressive 447.4%. This remarkable achievement stands out, especially when compared to the pre-migration CTR of 2.85%.

The seamless recreation of website forms and the successful functionality within the initial migration phase laid the foundation for this success. Vonazon’s strategic recommendations for workflow changes in lead capture forms and landing pages, guided by HubSpot contact activity, played a pivotal role. Continuous monitoring of IP warming campaigns and close collaboration with the PerkinElmer marketing team further fueled this outstanding outcome.


increase in click- through rates


smooth marketing team collaboration

Consistent monitoring

of IP warming campaigns

Our Impact

Accelerated Timeline

By collaborating with Vonazon, a HubSpot Elite Partner, PerkinElmer was able to start using HubSpot at the earliest possible date. The accelerated migration timeline gave PerkinElmer the ability to leverage Vonazon’s expertise to improve collaboration between the stakeholders from both companies.

Every divestiture is unique, requiring a customized migration plan. Vonazon’s ability to swiftly tailor the migration process to PerkinElmer’s specific needs ensured that the transition was aligned with the company’s business objectives and goals in an expedited manner.

Minimizing Business Disruptions

A smooth migration was crucial to avoid disruptions in PerkinElmer’s ongoing marketing and sales operations. Vonazon’s migration expertise and strategic planning minimized downtime, ensuring that PerkinElmer could continue business activities seamlessly during and after the migration.

The migration from Eloqua to HubSpot involved intricate technical processes and an in-depth understanding of both platforms. Vonazon’s expertise ensured a smooth transition, reducing the risk of data loss or operational disruptions during the disentanglement.

Resource Allocation and Efficiency

Handling the disentanglement internally would have strained PerkinElmer’s resources, diverting attention from core business activities. Vonazon’s involvement allowed PerkinElmer’s internal teams to focus on their day-to-day operations while the agency managed the complexities of the migration.

Key Stakeholder Collaboration

Coordinating with key stakeholders from both PerkinElmer and the divested company was essential for marketing success. Vonazon acted as a neutral third party, consulting on technical inquiries, addressing concerns, and ensuring a collaborative approach to migration.

Vonazon is well-versed in mitigating risks associated with data migration, ensuring compliance with GDPR data protection regulations, to reduce the risk of data breaches or legal complications during migration.

Knowledge Transfer to Internal Teams

Vonazon provided role-specific training, including documentation and video sessions, empowering both U.S. and international teams at PerkinElmer to autonomously manage and optimize their HubSpot usage in the future.

Vonazon acted as a neutral third party, consulting on technical inquiries, addressing concerns, and ensuring a collaborative approach to migration.

Positioned for Growth

In the end, hiring Vonazon for the Eloqua to HubSpot migration process was critical for PerkinElmer as it brought specialized expertise, facilitated collaboration with the divested company, minimized disruptions, and offered additional benefits such as accelerated timelines, risk mitigation, ongoing support, resource allocation and efficiencies, and knowledge transfer. This strategic partnership ensured a successful migration and positioned PerkinElmer for continued growth and success in their marketing endeavors with HubSpot.

Vonazon successfully executed a seamless migration for PerkinElmer, achieving the outlined goals and objectives. The careful planning, comprehensive auditing, and thorough testing ensured minimal disruption and optimal functionality in HubSpot. The partnership between Vonazon and PerkinElmer exemplifies the efficiency and expertise required for successful platform migrations in complex business environments.


  • Accelerated timelines
  • Risk mitigation
  • Key stakeholder collaboration
  • Resource allocation
  • Efficient knowledge transfer

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