How Vonazon Helped a Leading Medical Equipment Company Supercharge Sales Growth, Maximize Efficiency, and Optimize Their ROI

Clarion Medical Technologies (CMT) is a leader in the Canadian medical and aesthetics equipment industry. CMT presented a unique and complex challenge, as they were seeking an integration solution to enhance operational efficiency and data-driven decision-making, which involved synchronizing financial and customer data from Great Plains (a legacy financial system) to HubSpot CRM. Due to siloed systems and a lack of connectivity, they were struggling to achieve meaningful sales growth. With no automation in place, CMT was failing to maximize their productivity.

Clarion Medical Technologies chose Vonazon as their partner.  As a HubSpot Elite Partner status with an extensive track record of helping companies of all sizes and industries reach new levels of success by maximizing the potential of HubSpot, CMT knew they could trust Vonazon with their complex automation and integration needs.

Supporting CMT’s Goals with Innovative Software

CMT’s primary goals were to streamline their sales processes, improve financial reporting accuracy, enable real-time visibility into key metrics, and automate their quoting process. Our plan involved integrating HubSpot CRM with Great Plains for financial management, while utilizing GleanQuote for quoting. Our custom-built, bi-directional HubSpot integration was designed to ensure streamlined data flow, enhance reporting accuracy, and improve operational efficiency by providing seamless data synchronization, automated workflows, and enhanced analytics capabilities.

HubSpot Sales & Marketing Technologies

HubSpot Sales Enterprise served as the backbone of our integration solution as it replaced NetSuite to offer advanced sales automation and pipeline management capabilities for Clarion Medical Technologies. HubSpot’s superior automation features kickstarted a more efficient sales process, enabling their sales deals at a faster rate thanks to greater visibility into customer interactions.

We also transitioned CMT from Constant Contact to HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise to achieve a significant upgrade in their marketing capabilities. Marking Hub played a key role in our integration solution by providing powerful tools for inbound marketing, lead generation, and campaign management. Its advanced automation abilities also enabled more precise targeting which unlocked more effective marketing campaigns.

GleanQuote Quoting Software

GleanQuote played a significant role in our integration solution by delivering advanced quoting capabilities that perfectly complimented and expanded the HubSpot Sales Hub. Its specialized toolset empowered Carion Medical’s sales teams to generate and manage quotes more efficiently, and its integration with Sales Hub ensured that quote details were automatically synced with deal records.

Great Plains Financial Management

Great Plains serves as the framework for Clarion Medical’s financial management system. Integrating Great Plains with HubSpot was a crucial component of our solution, as it ensured that financial data such as invoices, payments, and account information were synchronized in real-time with the CRM.

Executing Our Solution

The integration solution for Clarion Medical Technologies involved a custom-built, multi-object, and bi-directional integration between HubSpot, Great Plains, and Glean Quote. Our solution was meticulously designed to provide a swift and significant return on investment by leveraging the synergy between HubSpot CRM, Great Plains, and GleanQuote to provide value right away. We employed a phased rollout strategy that prioritized high-impact areas to secure early wins and keep the momentum high throughout the onboarding process.

Automated Workflows

Automated workflows in HubSpot triggered actions based on financial information to streamline the sales process. The real-time updating of customer and product information in HubSpot ensured sales and marketing teams always had access to current data. Our automated workflows also aimed to achieve several additional goals to streamline Clarion Medical’s business operations.

Improving the Transition from Marketing to Sales: Our integration aimed to enhance lead nurturing and conversion processes by ensuring seamless data flow between marketing and sales tools within HubSpot.

Increasing the Use of Sales Automation Tools: We sought to leverage HubSpot’s automation capabilities to further streamline sales activities such as follow-ups, task assignments, and deal updates.

Ensuring Comprehensive Understanding and Utilization of HubSpot Reporting: By integrating financial and quoting data into HubSpot, we empowered Clarion Medical users with enhanced, more insightful, and data-driven reporting capabilities.

Data Mapping

Keeping our synchronizations consistently accurate was paramount to the success of our integration solution. To accomplish total precision, we developed detailed data mappings that clearly defined the relationships between source data and destination fields in HubSpot. These mappings covered company records, contact records, deal records, and custom object records, ensuring that all relevant data was properly transferred and utilized within the CRM.

Historical Actuals Pipelines: Specific mappings were established for financial data to ensure seamless synchronization between Great Plains and HubSpot. A core component of this was linking Great Plain’s invoices to corresponding fields in HubSpot deals, such as Deal Amount, Invoice Data, and Payment Status. Updating financial metrics in real time while synchronizing payment statuses directly supported the objectives of improving financial reporting accuracy and improving cash flow management.

Quoting Process Automation: Integration between GleanQuote and HubSpot was set up to automate the generation, tracking, and management of quotes within the CRM. This included mapping quote details from GleanQuote to corresponding fields in HubSpot deals, crafting accurate and efficient quote-to-detail conversion.

Product and Customer Data Synchronization: Mappings were developed to synchronize product and customer data between Great Plains and HubSpot, including product details, pricing information, and customer contact details. This ensured the sales and marketing teams had access to accurate and up-to-date information, which helped facilitate targeted marketing campaigns and personalized sales interactions.

Error Handling and Data Integrity: Powerful error-handling mechanisms were implemented to manage any discrepancies or issues during data synchronization. This maintained perfect data integrity across all systems, and quickly identified and addressed any errors.

Results and Impact

Key Compents of Our Solution

Connecting Marketing and Sales: Seamless HubSpot and GleanQuote integration bridged the gap between marketing and sales to significantly improve lead management.

Improved Financial Insights: Real-time financial data integration with Great Plains empowered more accurate and timely financial decision-making.

Comprehensive Customer Insights: The connection of data across all platforms provided a 360-degree view of the customer, empowering more personalized and effective customer engagement strategies.

Scalability: Our solution was built with scalability in mind, with the ability to accommodate future business expansions and evolving technological needs.

Clear ROI Tracking: We included embedded mechanisms to measure the impact of our solution and provide clarity on return on investment, demonstrating the value realized well within the initial 90-day period.


  • Sales Growth: Our integration contributed to a 32% year-over-year growth in CMT’s sales division with the highest utilization of HubSpot.
  • Operational Efficiency: Vonazon’s implementation streamlined sales processes, reduced manual effort, and improved financial reporting accuracy. This ultimately led to sustainable increased operational efficiency and improved cash flow management.
  • Marketing ROI: A unified platform for tracking marketing leads from inception to final sale directly improved the effectiveness of marketing activities for CMT while aligning the efforts of sales and marketing teams.


Vonazon’s integration of HubSpot CRM with Great Plains and GleanQuote for Clarion Medical Technologies was a resounding success, resulting in significant improvements in sales growth, operational efficiency, and marketing ROI. Vonazon transformed Clarion Medical’s sales and marketing operations while paving the way for future expansion and success by setting up seamless data synchronization, automated workflows, and enhanced analytics capabilities.

If your company is seeking a customized integration solution to streamline your operations while maximizing the potential  of your platforms, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Vonazon. As Elite HubSpot Partners, we have extensive experience creating customized solutions for companies of all sizes and industries to help them reach new levels of success and accomplish their sales and marketing goals.

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