How Often Does Google Update Search Results

How Often Does Google Update Search Results Google search results are in a constant state of change, and how often Google updates search listings depends on a variety of factors. It is crucial to understand how Google updates search listings and ranks your site to understand Google search updates and how often listings are updated. […]
8 Reasons Why You Need an SEO Audit for Your Website

8 Reasons Why You Need an SEO Audit for Your Website SEO audits are a crucial part of digital marketing and should be a fundamental element of your content marketing strategy. But you may ask, what is an SEO audit and why do I need one? An SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis of how […]
How Sales and Marketing Can Align to Generate New Revenue

How Sales and Marketing Can Align to Generate New Revenue How sales and marketing departments align within businesses is radically changing according to a way of thinking called smarketing. This concept of smarketing, first coined in 2005 by Brian Halligan, reinvents the relationship between sales and marketing teams by improving the customer journey, smoothing out […]
What is AI Marketing and How It Is Transforming Digital Marketing

What is AI Marketing and How It Is Transforming Digital Marketing We all have heard about artificial intelligence in one way or another, often as a perceived threat to both jobs and the significance of human creativity. The reality is that artificial intelligence has already been here for a while and can benefit multiple industries […]