When you begin your company’s content creation, there are several things that should come to mind before you decide to launch that content marketing strategy.

Almost like a pre-flight checklist. If one thing goes unchecked, it’s possible that your content, just like a plane, will crash and burn. Dark, we know… So, let’s avoid that disaster together!

Before your metaphorical content marketing plane takes off, you should make sure that your content is:

  • Findable
  • Readable
  • Understandable
  • Actionable
  • Shareable

Make it Findable, Readable

Use SEO guidelines or Search Engine Optimization. You should also put at least two links in the body of your content, use tags in your related images, and at least two links in the body copy!

For your content’s readability, keep it simple! Separate your longer body paragraphs by sections, use bulleted lists, and use big bold headers! The last thing you want to hear about your content is “Too Long; Didn’t Read.”

Ensure its Understandable

If your users can’t understand what you’re saying, what’s the point of content marketing? Make sure that your title, headers, and content is relevant to your message.

Take the time to use layman’s terms or explain some of the more complicated vocabularies that your clientele may not be aware of!

Establish that it’s Actionable, Shareable

You should have a crystal-clear call to action. Invite them to share your content across social media. Have links to more related content so that they can educate themselves further in your company’s field.

Shareable content is spreading content! Provide users with a reason to share, or simply just ask them to! Streamline the sharing process by using widgets and personalization by using hashtags for tweets!

Content Marketing Support

Still not sure about the quality of your content creation? The marketers here at Vonazon can clear that up for you. We specialize in customizing your company’s content, ensuring it’ll reach your potential clientele!